Endemic to a very small region in southwestern India, Eriocaulon ratnagiricum got its name because of the city near which its found - Ratnagiri in the state of Maharashtra, India. It is one of the smallest and most compact growing Eriocaulon.
We recommend strong lighting, rather soft water, a type of Aquasoil as substrate and good CO2 supply (about 20-30 mg/L).
With its special, exotic appearance, Eriocaulon ratnagiricum works best as an accent plant in the foreground to midground, in an open place.
Price per: 15 seeds.
This item can be shipped internationally.
Special offer - Buy any 3 packs of seeds and get one FREE!
The instructions how to grow them can be found here: https://bolbiaquarium.blogspot.hr/2016/02/growing-eriocaulon-from-seeds.html
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Price per: 15 seeds.
This item can be shipped internationally.
Special offer - Buy any 3 packs of seeds and get one FREE!
The instructions how to grow them can be found here: https://bolbiaquarium.blogspot.hr/2016/02/growing-eriocaulon-from-seeds.html