Like most Anubias species, Anubias nana ‘Petite’ does not require much attention. Regular water changes and the occasional dose of fertilizers will keep this plant healthy. It grows well in a wide range of water conditions, but grows fastest in cool water, high light and carbon dioxide inject setups. In lower light conditions, it is truly a low maintenance plant and will continue to grow slowly (1-2 leaves a month). Anubias nana ‘Petite’ looks best in groups of at least 3 plants. Attach the rhizome to driftwood using thread or fishing line. Small Rocks may be also attached, which provides greater mobility in rearrange an aquascape later.
Price per: plant with 10+ leaves on the rhizome.
This item can be shipped internationally.
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Price per: plant with 10+ leaves on the rhizome.
This item can be shipped internationally.