A very special rarity, belonging to the diverse family of the Filmy Ferns. This tiny, moss-like fern was found in southwestern India on rocks along a
stream. In its natural habitat it is flooded during the rainy period only, however it can be grown permanently submerged in aquariums. This fern has
tender, dark green, transparent leaves on a thin, creeping rhizome.
It is recommendable to fix this fern on stone or wood. This fern grows very slowly, forming a carpet by and by. It is rootless but develops dark, hair-like
rhizoids on the rhizome which help it adhere to the substrate. This Crepidomanes doesn't need much light, but a good CO2 and nutrient supply, soft to
medium hard water and a good water current are beneficial.
Crepidomanes sp. 'Calicut' is a great enrichment for the aquascaping and looks particularly good in small-scale, delicate layouts, for example on vertical
structures of the hardscape. Because of its extremely slow growth, one should pay attention to keep it from overrunning by other plants such as faster
growing mosses. It is excellent addition to any nano aquarium.
Price per: plant with 6-7 leaves on the rhizome.
This item can be shipped internationally.
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Price per: plant with 6-7 leaves on the rhizome.
This item can be shipped internationally.